Posts tagged boundaries
How Do I Communicate with my Narcissitic Husband?

There’s no doubt that communicating with a covert abuser is one of the most confusing things we deal with. All. Day. Long. I’m often asked, “How can I communicate with my narcissist husband?”  To understand how, here’s what you need to understand about his goals in all conversations with you, and some guidelines and techniques to use.

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What Do I Do When He Won’t Respect My Boundaries?

Boundaries are pretty much useless with abusers and they are not the “solution” that many advocates claim they are. We’re often told that boundaries are how to get our power back but, in fact, an abuser will use them to take our power away.

We all get the point where asking our husband or ex to do or not do something (ie. setting a boundary) just doesn’t work and they do whatever they want.

So what do we do?

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Damaging Marriage Advice that Abused Christian Women Should Ignore

Here are many examples of the unhelpful advice that is cookie-cutter “marriage advice” that abused women get from counselors and friends who don’t understand abuse (and is pretty shallow even for a non-abusive marriage.)

If you hear this kind of advice, run the other direction, read my blog, and find help from someone who understands abuse!

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How I Realized His Abuse Was Intentional– Survivor Wisdom Series, Part Five

Survivors answer these questions: How did you come to realize that your husband’s covert emotional and psychological abuse was intentional? Before this, did you believe he was unaware, wounded, or some other thing that made you give him the benefit of the doubt over and over? When you realized the abuse was intentional, how did this change things for you?

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What I Wish I’d Done Differently During Separation and Divorce, Part Two: Survivor Wisdom Series

Here’s the second installment in my Survivor Wisdom Series. Covert abuse survivors share their advice on what they wish they’d done differently during their separation, divorce, and when talking to family, friends and their church about the abuse. They also share what they wish they’d known about the Christian doctrines that kept them trapped in their marriages.

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8 Burning Questions When You Realize You're Being Covertly Abused

How Do I Accept That My Worst Nightmare Is True? What Do I Do Now? My Life Is Turned Upside Down- How Do I Deal With This? How Can I Fix Things? How Do I Set Boundaries With A Covert Abuser? Why Did This Happen To Me? Did I Do Anything Right? What Does Healthy Look Like?

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